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Public Health Corps Site Application

Thank you for your interest in Public Health Corps, we are looking forward to reviewing your application for potential partnership. For questions, please contact us at
Please visit this page to review the Public Health Corps Guide to Partnering for more information about the program. All sites are required to review and acknowledge their review at the end of this application before submitting. 
Minnesota Public Health Corps was created to support and grow the governmental public health system. We will prioritize partnering primarily with governmental public health agencies and community health boards for the 2025-2026 program year. We will also consider awarding non-governmental public health organizations that are adjacent to the governmental public health sector and that help facilitate governmental public health initiatives across the state, subject to available funding. Such initiatives should be population-based as opposed to direct service in nature and in direct support of governmental public health departments or their activities.
Restrictions or additional policies may also apply for AmeriCorps service at sites that are faith-based/religious or for-profit entities.
Please indicate whether the criteria below apply to your site (check all that apply).
Organization/Site Type (only check one) *

Organization Information & Community Need

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Director Information

Site Supervisor Information

All AmeriCorps programs require a Site Supervisor to provide onsite support and supervision for each member placed.This is typically a staff member of the service site or district/agency, and cannot be another AmeriCorps member. This position requires a time commitment of 6-9 hours per month of coaching and support per member and up to 5 hours of required training. To learn more about the role of Site Supervisor, please refer to the Description of Site Supervisor section in the Guide to Partnering (linked above).
If you do not know who your site's Site Supervisor is at this time, please select “designate at a later time” and a staff member will work with you to identify this person. Otherwise, select "Enter Site Supervisor Info" and please fill in the information below.
Designate a Site Supervisor: *

Recruitment Contact Information

Ampact staff lead the interview and selection process for AmeriCorps members. Partner organizations play an essential and active role in member recruitment by collaborating with Ampact staff to provide referrals and recruit prospective AmeriCorps members from their community and networks. 
Please identify a recruitment contact who will lead recruitment efforts at your site and serve as a point of contact for Ampact staff for recruitment-related communication and meetings. 
Who will be your Recruitment Contact? *
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AmeriCorps Member Request

AmeriCorps members with Public Health Corps are referred to as Public Health Project Coordinators. Please consider the items below when determining your member request for the 2025-2026 program year. If you have any questions related to your member request, please contact

  • Need and variety of projects and activities
  • Site schedule and space availability
  • Availability and capacity of the Site Supervisor (we estimate that Site Supervisors designate 6-9 hours of support per member per month)
  • Please see the Guide to Partnering (linked above) for more information on consideration for member requests
Indicate the commitment levels of Public Health Project Coordinators requested by your organization. We consider organizational requests as well as the availability of the candidate when placing members. *
There is potential to hire a limited number of AmeriCorps members to start their service term in July 2025. Due to funding restrictions, this must be an AmeriCorps member who did not serve in the 2024-2025 program year. If this becomes a possibility, would your site be interested and able to host AmeriCorps members beginning in July? *
Public Health Project Coordinators provide capacity building services to their sites. Please indicate the public health priority area(s) for which you are requesting Public Health Corps member(s) to support below. For the public health priority areas listed in each row, indicate the capacity building domain(s) in each column that you anticipate the member(s) supporting. If you do not anticipate member(s) supporting a particular public health priority area, please select "N/A" in the righthand column for that row.

The information collected here helps Public Health Corps understand how your site envisions AmeriCorps member service enhancing your capacity. This informs our site selection and member placement processes, assists us in creating member training plans, and also provides valuable insights for members to develop effective service plans. 

For complete definitions and examples of each capacity building domain and public health priority area, please refer to this Public Health Corps Definitions and Examples document*
 Community Engagement, Communication, and OutreachData Collection, Research, and AnalysisProcess ImprovementVolunteer Management and MobilizationWorkforce DevelopmentCoordination of Site-Specific Projects Related to the Needs of the Community and SectorN/A
Communicable Disease Control
Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention
Environmental Public Health
Maternal, Child, and Family Health
Access to & Linkage with Care
Assessment and Surveillance
Community Partnership Development
Organizational Competencies
Policy Development and Support
Accountability and Performance Management
Emergency Preparedness and Response
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AmeriCorps policy requires that AmeriCorps members serve at a physical site location, even if service activities are delivered virtually. Does your site have a physical location and space for AmeriCorps members to conduct their service? *
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All AmeriCorps members expected or required to drive their own cars or company-provided vehicles are required to complete a motor vehicle check for Ampact that must be approved before they can begin driving as part of their service. 
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Site Agreement Information

Site partners are required to sign a site agreement. This agreement is required to be signed at the district or agency level and is also signed by Ampact. Please provide a contact for us to send the site agreement.
If your site is not part of a larger district or agency, please provide a contact who has authority to sign contracts on behalf of your site.

Review & Submit

I have read the Public Health Corps Guide to Partnering and understand and agree to the expectations and responsibilities of site partnership with Ampact. *
Please provide the information of the person completing this site application below. 
Review the form before clicking the "Submit" button below to submit this application.  If you have questions please contact us at The Principal/Director listed above will receive a copy of this application via email.
Ampact is a national organization that demonstrates the power of national service to solve complex social problems. We create innovative programs that focus on education, environmental stewardship, and healthy futures for communities. These programs include Reading Corps, Math Corps, Early Learning Corps, Climate Impact Corps, Recovery Corps, Heading Home Corps, Public Health Corps, and Opportunity Corps.