PORAC Candidate Questionnaire

The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) represents over 955 public safety unions and more than 83,000 working families across California. Our mission includes advocating for policies that support public safety professionals, their families, and the broader workforce striving for quality jobs, a strong economy, a secure future, and thriving communities.

If you need additional context on any issue, we encourage you to connect with your local PORAC representative.

This questionnaire helps us assess your stance on key issues affecting public safety, working families, and our members throughout California. As a non-partisan organization, PORAC endorses candidates based on their policy positions, not party affiliation. We value honesty over perfection—our endorsement decisions consider both a candidate’s viability and alignment with our priorities. All responses will remain confidential throughout your campaign, regardless of whether an endorsement is extended.

If you would like to download a PDF of the questions included on PORAC Candidate Questionnaire for contemplation prior to submitting your responses below, please CLICK HERE.
If you would like to download a PDF of the questions included on PORAC Candidate Questionnaire for contemplation prior to submitting your responses below, please CLICK HERE.