Call for Dance & Dance Education Research Projects

NDEO would like to promote current DANCE and DANCE EDUCATION Research Projects of its Members who are actively seeking participants and respondents for surveys (quantitative research) and questionnaires (qualitative research), and more. 

NDEO will promote active dance and dance education research projects via a webpage, eblasts and social media posts, where appropriate.

If you are currently conducting research and need to get the word out, fill out this FORM!

Rolling Submissions Accepted

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In order for your Research Project to be posted on the NDEO website, you must be a current Member of NDEO. Are you a current member of NDEO? *
Which statement best describes you? Pick one. *

Answer all Questions

1) Please describe what you looking for? *
0/100 characters
0/150 words

IRB stands for Institutional Review Board. It is a committee that is formally designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans with the aim to protect the rights and welfare of the research participants.

The IRB evaluates research protocols to ensure that the proposed research meets ethical standards and regulatory requirements. This includes ensuring that risks to participants are minimized, that the potential benefits of the research outweigh the risks, and that informed consent is obtained from all participants.

In many countries, including the United States, institutions receiving federal funding for research involving human participants are required to have an IRB in place to oversee such research activities.

Contact Name, Email and Phone Number if Someone Wants More Information or Has Questions

0/25 words

Research Project Info on an NDEO Webpage - Release Information

NDEO is promoting a list of "active research projects" in dance and dance education.  Do you agree to have your project information promoted via an eblast, email or on a social media post or posted on an NDEO webpage? *
I understand that NDEO reserves the right to edit my answers for clarity and grammar.
I understand that NDEO reserves the right to NOT promote a particular research project if it goes against its mission, vision, or values, or is outside the field of dance and dance education in its opinion. *
I understand that NDEO may NOT be able to promote my research project in a timely manner or in time for my deadline.  Therefore, I am NOT relying on NDEO to be the sole promoter of my research project.  *

OPTIONAL - Demographic Information of Person Submitting this Form

The following optional questions help provide NDEO with a baseline understanding of the demographics of our current membership, which is a picture we currently lack. We hope to use this data to set and pursue goals and objectives around diversity, equity, inclusion and access. We believe that a fuller and more accurate understanding of who we serve is crucial to organizational growth and to serving our members and the field better.
What is your race/ethnicity as per US Census Bureau categories?
To which gender do you most identify?
With which sexual orientation do you most identify?
Transgender is an umbrella term that refers to people whose gender identity, expression or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth. Other identities considered to fall under this umbrella can include non-binary, gender fluid, and genderqueer – as well as many more. Do you identify as transgender?
Please indicate which of the following best describes you:
Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?
Which of the following best describes your teaching/work environment? You can select up to 3 options.
Please submit your digital signature (use mouse or finger depending on your computer type) *