NDEO Guest Blog Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in the NDEO Guest Blog Series. This series provides NDEO members with an opportunity to have their short articles published on NDEO's official blog, "Behind the Curtain".

Interested bloggers may submit posts any topic directly related to dance education or related fields (arts administration, culturally relevant teaching practices, studio management, somatics, teaching online/dance technology, dance science, etc.) Past guest blog posts have spanned a range of topics, including:

  • research and teaching practices in higher education

  • dance technology

  • strategies for teaching jazz, Hip Hop, and ballet
  • activities for preschool movement classes

  • strategies for teaching with students with special needs

  • developing and refining your personal pedagogy

  • stories about personal experiences in dance and dance education

  • global movement practices

This program is a member benefit, and bloggers must be NDEO members to be featured. Please fill out this form in its entirety to be considered for the program. You will need to submit a copy of the post in Microsoft Word (preferred) or PDF format, a bio of no more than 200 words, and two photos (headshot and action photo) with photographer credit information. 

Interested writers are encourage to visit the blog to get a sense of the scope of topics that have been covered. In addition, please take note of the following information: 

  • The primary audience for the blog is NDEO members, although the blog is viewable by non-members on the NDEO website, and posts are shared on NDEO's social media accounts.

  • All authors must be current NDEO members at time of submission and publication. 

  • Articles should be no more than 1000 words.

  • Please limit external links to no more than 3.
  • Articles will be reviewed and approved for publication by NDEO staff.

NDEO * 8609 2nd Avenue, Suite 203-B * Silver Spring, MD 20910 * www.ndeo.org 

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OPTIONAL - Save your progress & complete this form later. This login information is unique to this particular form and is not in any way related to the NDEO website.

Contact Information for Person Submitting the Article

Optional Demographic Questions

These optional questions help provide NDEO with a baseline understanding of the demographics of our current membership, which is a picture we currently lack. We hope to use this data to set and pursue goals and objectives around diversity, equity, inclusion and access. We believe that a fuller and more accurate understanding of who we serve is crucial to organizational growth and to serving our members and the field better.
What is your age?
What is your race/ethnicity as per the US Census Bureau categories? Check all that apply.
To which gender do you most identify?
Transgender is an umbrella term that refers to people whose gender identity, expression or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth. Other identities considered to fall under this umbrella can include non-binary, gender fluid, and genderqueer – as well as many more. Do you identify as transgender?
Which of the following best describes the area in which you teach?

Article Details

0/200 words
Has this post previously appeared in another publication, either digital or print? *
0/200 words

I understand that my post will be reviewed by NDEO staff, and it's acceptance to the Guest Blog Series is dependent on the results of this review process. In some cases, revisions may be recommended. Revisions will be provided to me (the author) for review before publication. I understand that I choose not to accept revisions as recommended by staff, my article may not be published. *
I hereby grant NDEO to publish my blog post, if accepted, to share on any medium, including but not limited to the NDEO Online Forums and social media accounts. * *
I further grant NDEO the unlimited authority to license my blog post to other entities for their publication and use, provided that such use is not inconsistent with NDEO's mission. * *
I understand that NDEO does not provide compensation, including payment or any other compensation, for posts that appear in our Guest Blog Series. *
I understand that publication of my post in the Guest Blog Series is a member benefit, and I must have an active NDEO membership at the time of submission and publication. *
I understand that NDEO may choose not to run a post for any reason, including but not limited to, if the content of the blog does is in conflict with our mission, is of a controversial nature, or is too promotional. *

Photo(s) Upload and Information

Please upload your headshot and up to 3 "action" photos that directly relate to the blog post. Action photos can include the author or others dancing, in a teaching environment, etc. Photos may not contain text, logos, or watermarks. 
Photo Information

Has the photographer of the HEADSHOT granted permission for you to use this photo and share it with third parties, such as NDEO? *
0/100 words

Has the photographer of the ACTION PHOTO granted permission for you to use this photo and share it with third parties, such as NDEO? *
0/100 words
Are minors (under the age of 18) featured in the ACTION PHOTO? *
Have dancers featured in the photo (or their legal guardians, if under age of 18) granted permission for their photo to be taken and shared with third parties, such as NDEO? (If no, please explain.) *
0/100 words

Has the photographer of the ACTION PHOTO granted permission for you to use this photo and share it with third parties, such as NDEO?
0/100 words
Are minors (under the age of 18) featured in the ACTION PHOTO?
Have dancers featured in the photo (or their legal guardians, if under age of 18) granted permission for their photo to be taken and shared with third parties, such as NDEO? (If no, please explain.)
0/100 words

Has the photographer of the ACTION PHOTO granted permission for you to use this photo and share it with third parties, such as NDEO?
0/100 words
Are minors (under the age of 18) featured in the ACTION PHOTO?
Have dancers featured in the photo (or their legal guardians, if under age of 18) granted permission for their photo to be taken and shared with third parties, such as NDEO? (If no, please explain.)
0/100 words

Permission to Use Photo(s)

Permission to Use Photo
The owner / copyright holder of this photograph(s) (or authorized representative) grants permission to the National Dance Education Organization to use the photo(s) in the following manner:
Permission to Use the Photo: We / I, the aforementioned Owner/Copyright Holder of Photo,  hereby give to National Dance Education Organization (located at the above address), it successors and assigns, the right to use and publish these photographs, in whole or part, including alterations, modifications, derivations and composites thereof, on their website, in their printed marketing / PR / display materials, in social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), in their Journal of Dance Education or any other journals/magazines (Dance Education in Practice) that NDEO may develop with its publisher, in any fundraising program, in print or TV advertisements or in any media kit which NDEO might use to supplement articles written about NDEO or dance education in newspapers, magazines, online, etc. The right shall include the right to combine photos with others and to alter photos by digital means or otherwise, for the purposes set forth herein.  In consideration of the printing/production deadlines, we/I hereby waive any right that we/I may have to inspect and approve the finished product or copy that may be used in connection with my photographs. In return, NDEO will include photographer credit as well as a credit to the owner of the photos (ie. name of school, university or dance company) WHERE POSSIBLE when using the photos in printed materials and on our website; however, please be advised that NDEO does not use photo credits in the majority of social media postings. I affirm that the photograph(s) submitted are original on my/our part and that we/I am sole owner of such materials, and that neither such materials nor the permission granted hereby infringe upon the right of others. *
I understand that NDEO does not pay money or provide any other compensation for use of photos. *
Please include your digital signature. *