MCOA Fall Conference Registration

Please enter your name and organization as you would like it to appear on your name tag.
Are you or your Senior Center a member of MCOA, or EOHHS, NCOA, NISC, RISCDA, CASCP, NHASC, or one of our community partners: MMAHSC, AARP, Alzheimer’s Association, Jewish Family & Children's Services, MGA, MASS ALA, MAOA, MSAC, MA Council for Home Care Aide Services, MA Health Policy Forum, MA Healthy Aging Collaboration, MA Multicultural Coalition on Aging, Mass Senior Care Association, MPHA, MA-NASW, Tufts Health Plan Foundation, LeadingAge MA, or the UMass Gerontology Institute: Then you are entitled to pay Member Rates. *
Box 2: Member Pricing *
Please note that cost does not include hotel room. Please see the Sea Crest link for room pricing. *
If you are not a member of one of the organizations above, you need to pay non-member rates.
Please note that cost does not include hotel room. Please see the Sea Crest link for room pricing. *
I am willing to be a room monitor for a workshop. *
To assist MCOA in planning room size requirements and to ensure that speakers have sufficient handouts, please indicate the workshops you may attend on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  This is a preliminary designation - you can change your mind later.  Also, the workshops are subject to change due to unexpected circumstances.
Please enter the number code found listed to the right of the workshop title in the Conference Booklet:
Wednesday, October 19
Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4
Please select the workshops you would like to attend
Thursday, October 20
Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4
Please select the workshops you would like to attend
Friday, October 21
Session 1Session 2
Please select the workshops you would like to attend
CEU Application
If you are interested in applying for CEUs, please indicate which ones you would like and add this subtotal to your final amount.  Note:  Not all workshops will offer CEUs, but MCOA tries to offer at least one per session.  The full list of workshops offered will be available online one week prior to the event and on-site at the Resolution Desk.  You may also sign up and pay on-site for this.
Box 5: Additional Meals for Spouses or Guests (Registrant meals are included in registration) Please enter the quantity of tickets needed in the box provided. Note: These tickets do not allow entrance into workshops.
Box 5: Additional Meals for Spouses or Guests (Registrant meals are included in registration) Please enter the quantity of tickets needed in the box provided. Note: These tickets do not allow entrance into workshops.
Box 6: If you have any special needs, contact MCOA as soon as possible or list here: (Include any dietary restrictions and any and all accessibility issues.) Menu selections for this event are posted online. List your needs here or address individual concerns to MCOA Director of Members Services, Kathy Bowler, at Put "MCOA Conference Needs" in subject Line of email. Unless we are notified by October 5th we cannot guarantee that we can meet your needs. We will do the best we can.
Box 7:  Hotel Reservations: Deadline is September 18 for Guaranteed Discount
Go online to for the room reservation link to reserve a room under the "Mass Councils on Aging." MCOA receives price reductions for the total number of hotel nights "sold." In order to double-check this process, we ask you to submit the following information. Please indicate the nights you have reserved:
Cancellation and Payment Policy

MCOA is pleased to offer workshops, events and trainings, and does have costs associated with these events.

Attendees who have registered for any MCOA function, may cancel up to the closing date deadline (October 5, 2022). If you are unable to attend our function, we request notification prior to the closing date deadline (October 5, 2022).

Registrants may send an alternate person to the event.

After that time, MCOA is obligated to the caterer and speaker for the costs incurred and will pass along that cost to the registrant.

A registrant who has cancelled before the closing but paid for the function will be able to apply the fee towards the next function.

Cash will no longer be accepted onsite.  If not previously paid, invoices will be sent after Ocotber 5.

Attendees (and their organizations) with a history of unpaid invoices will not be allowed to attend any event without prior payment.

To cancel, please submit your cancellation in writing to by 10/5/2022. *
Photography disclosure: *
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