The Mazama Library & Historical Collections offers reproductions of a limited selection of collection materials for research, personal, educational, creative, or commercial use. Fees for reproduction cover handling and processing. Turnaround time for reproduction requests is dependent on staff availability, and, in some instances, external vendor schedules.

Available print sizes and options

Currently prints are available in three sizes: 

  • 8x10 ($14) (8x12 in some cases due to image orientation)
  • 10x12 ($24)
  • 12x18 ($36)

Prints are available in both matte or glossy finish on archival paper. Borders are available by request with a 1/8" minimum.

Please select the quantity of images you would like to order of each size.

Mazama Lodge Collection

Mazama Lodge at Twin Bridges, Oct. 6, 1935

Mazama (Log) Lodge, August 21, 1938

Mazama (Log) Lodge, June 20, 1934

(Current) Mazama Lodge, 1960.

(Current) Mazama Lodge, 1960.

July 19, 1894 Collection

Mazamas on Cooper Spur, July 19, 1894

Mazamas on the summit Mt Hood, July 19, 1894.

Climbing Collection

J.K. Gill Party on summit of Mt. Hood,
August 8, 1892

Party of climbers on Mt Hood, July 19, 1895.

Mazama party near Mt. Hood, July 19, 1895.

Mazama party ascending Mt. Baker,
Mazama Mt. Baker Outing, 1906

"Descending from Devil's Backbone,"
Mazamas on Mt. Hood, 1901

Dr. Reid leading Mazama party down
Reid Glacier, Mt Hood, 1901

Line of climbers on Mt. Hood, 1921

Mazama party on Mt. Hood, 1912

E.H. Loomis on the summit of Glisan Pinnacle.

Rodney Glisan and Charles Sholes on the 
the summit of Mt. Shasta, 1904.

Mazama Party on Red Butte,
1910 Three Sisters Outing

Edward Curtis Collection

Mazama party on Pinnacle Peak,
Mt. Rainier Outing, 1897 🛈

Edward Curtis on Mt. Rainier, 1897
This image shows Mazama members Henry Pittock (in the bottom of the notch), Ella McBride (to the right of Pittock in the black hat), and Edward Curtis (with a camera around his neck). 

"Edward Curtis, Harvey Mitchell, and
William Ray as pack train,"
Mt. Rainier Outing, 1897

The rescue of Dr. Edward McClure, 
Mt. Rainier Outing, 1897

Mazama Women

Hikers on the Way to Jefferson Park,
1907 Outing to Mt. Jefferson.

Mazama women on the summit of
Mt. McLoughlin, Aug. 16, 1896

Women who climbed Mt. Adams,
Mt. Adams Mazama Outing, 1913.

Camp Collection

"The long to be remembered campfire,"
Mazama Wallowa Outing 1931

"Brady, our cook, in action,"
Mazama Mt. Baker Outing 1906

Hiking Collection

Man and Woman on 1896 Crater Lake Outing

Mazamas ready to climb Mount St. Helens, 1929.

Mazamas outlaw climbers
at Frog Camp, Three Sisters, 1928.

Taking a break, 
Mazama Mt. Rainier Outing, 1905

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