Part Time Instructor Approval Form

Spoon River College employs qualified faculty who meet HLC and ICCB minimum qualifications.

Qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to equivalent experience, may be considered by the institution in determining whether a faculty member is qualified.

Instructors possess an academic degree relevant to what they are teaching and at least one level above the level at which they teach, except in programs for terminal degrees or when equivalent experience is established. In terminal degree programs, faculty members possess the same level of degree.

When faculty members are employed based on equivalent experience, Spoon River College defines a minimum threshold of experience as 2000 hours of work (not teaching) experience in the field to be taught.  The evaluation and documentation for this experience is through this part-time instructor approval form and resumes/job application.    

Faculty teaching general education courses, or other non-occupational courses, hold a master’s degree or higher in the discipline or subfield. If a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a discipline or subfield other than that in which they are teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.

Section 1: Instructor Information

Does the instructor meet the oral English proficiency requirement? *
Does this Person meet Level II (9+ semesters of 37+ credits) requirements of the salary schedule? *

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Section 2: Supervising Administrator Name

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Section 3: CAO Approval

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