College Event Request Form


1. Please check the college wide calendar on MySRC for scheduling conflicts prior to scheduling your event.
2. Please check for room(s) availability on Outlook for scheduling conflicts prior to scheduling your event.
3. Complete the Event Information section.
4. Select your Event Location(s).
5. Complete the Event Resources section.
6. Be sure to add as much detail as possible.
7. Select your distribution list and the form will be sent to the departments you select.
IMPORTANT!!  It is the responsibility of the requester to ensure that all items above are coordinated for your event.  This may require follow-up and confirmation.

Event Information


Event Location(s) (Please Note: This section does not automatically schedule the location(s)/rooms for you. Please schedule room(s) using Outlook.

Select all that apply:

Event Resources (Please describe in DETAIL your request for each of the items below)

Auxilary Services
Please complete the Cafeteria Order Form
Do you want publicity for your event?
College Calendar
Does this event repeat?
Receptionist Desk
Room(s) Setup
Additional Comments

Distribution List

Who do you want this form to go to (check all that apply)? *

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