Curricular Change Proposal

Section 1: Submit Information


Section 2: Curricular Change Information

Please select changes to be made: *
Modify Course:
(Please highlight changed areas on both proposed and current master syllabi.)

What is changing?
Inactivate/Delete Course from Catalog:
(Course will be removed from the upcoming catalog upon ICCB approval)
Program/Certificate/Concentration Change:

New Course:
For a new course/program, please review and include all of the following, as appropriate. 
-Learning objectives and need for the instruction
-Projected costs, including faculty, physical facilities, equipment, supplies, etc.
-How is the course/program different from existing SRC courses/programs?
-Is the course/program intended for transfer to an upper university?
-Projected part-time and full-time enrollment and sources
-What are the advisory committee recommendations?
-What are the future needs for such a course/program?
-What other effects would this proposal have on SRC courses/programs?
-Does the course meet general eduation objectives?
      (Communication, Social Science, Math/Science, Humanities, Health Science, Computer Science,               Speech)
-What is the implementation date for the course?
-What is the impact of the course on current workload?
-Catalog copy with course/semester plan and master syllabus


Were full-time faculty contacted about any of the requests above? *
Is the course eligible for IAI review? (If yes, and the course gets complete governance approval, a copy of the form will need to be provided to the Dean of Instruction for processing for IAI review.) *
Ready to Submit?

Section 3: Administrative Review

Dean Decision:
Ready to Submit?
Questions about how this form works? Contact Katey Davis.
Questions about how to fill this form out? Contact Holly Norton.
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