Faculty Professional Development Request Form

This form is for faculty members - if you are a staff member, please use the Request for Travel Form.
Instructions: Please review the Guidelines and Program Description below. Complete the form below and attach all supporting documents with initial request no later than ten days before the conference/event.
Please submit one form for each request. 
Note: Items with red asterisk are required. 


The purpose of Spoon River College's Faculty Professional Development Program is to encourage individual faculty members, as well as groups, to continue professional development through conferences, courses, study groups, and independent studies and research.  The goal of this committee is to involve as many participants as possible with the limited available funds; therefore, consideration is given based on the frequency of requests, as well as the benefit to the college, students, and applicant.

Individuals or groups requesting funds should submit requests prior to a regularly scheduled IRC meeting for consideration during the meeting whenever possible, but requests should be made no later than ten days prior to the conference/event. Summer requests should be made prior to the end of the spring semester when possible. However, the committee reserves the right to discuss and vote on requests via email if conditions dictate. The committee recommends to the President or designee of the college funding for individuals and groups who request money for projects that will benefit the professional(s) as well as the institution. 

  • All requests will be assessed on a first come, first served basis.
  • Full-time faculty members may request up to a maximum of $750 per year.
  • A faculty member can also request up to a maximum amount of $1500.00 for a conference, but if they are awarded that amount they will not be able to request any professional development funds for the following two years.  For example, if a faculty member is awarded $1,500 in FY17, they will not be eligible to request any more professional development funds until FY20.
  • Part-time faculty members are limited to $750 every other year.
  • Up to 100% funding may be awarded, to individuals or groups, for expenses for workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. not taken for tuition reimbursement or advancement on the salary schedule.
  • Up to 100% funding may be allocated for workshops, seminars, or classes to be sponsored by Spoon River College and/or the Instructional Resources Committee.
  • Up to 100% funding may be awarded for expenses related to reading and study groups not related to a graduate program or class.  Expenses would not include personal expenses, but could include such things as books and materials that would become the property of the college.
  • No funds will be made available for tuition for graduate level courses that qualify for tuition reimbursement and movement on the salary schedule according to the present Spoon River College policy.
  • No funds will be made available for material to be owned by the participant.
  • No funds will be made available to individuals who are on sabbatical leave from the college.

Section 1: Conference Information

Are other funding sources available? *

Section 2: Employee Information


Section 3: Itemized Expenses

Add another expense?
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Expenses Total:

Section 4: Description/Rationale

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Section 5: Supervisor Approval

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Section 6: Instructional Resources Committee Approval

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Section 7: CFO Approval

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Section 8: President Approval

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