French Valley Youth Sports Association Manager, Coach, Parent Volunteer Application

Personal Information (every coach and volunteer must complete the info in this section, including board members, team parents, and other parents helping out on the field. Note: If you plan on managing or coaching on more than one team (i.e., you have two or more children that will be on different teams and you plan on managing one and assisting on the other), please complete an application for EACH league/division that you would like to help out in.

Coaching Experience (Only complete if applying for a Manager or Assistant Coach Position)

Please list your coaching experience below:

ALL managers, coaches and other league and team assisting volunteers are required to complete a background check.  Please click on the link below and complete the attached Background Check Consent Form.  Submit your completed and signed consent form along with a legible photocopy of your drivers license to or physically deliver it to Eric Coffeen (FVYSA Security Coordinator).  Please note that FVYSA completes all of its backgroud checks for both softball and baseball through the vendor used by ASA, our softball governing organization.  The form ask for an ASA number.  If you do not have or do not know your ASA number please leave that field blank.

FVYSA pays for background checks for four team assisting personnel.  Typically, that would include the manager, two assistant coaches and the team parent.  Any additional team assisting personnel (i.e., additional coaches or parents helping out on the field or in the dugout) will need to reimburse the league $13 for their background check.  Teams may also use their excess sponsorship funds to cover the costs of additional background checks.  Everyone wishing to assist with players on the field and in the dugout MUST undergo a background check.  Once a background check has been completed, each manager, coach and volunteer will receive their approved badge from the Security Coordinator.  Once received, the badge must be worn at all times during practices and games.


I am aware that the responsibilities of a French Valley Youth Sports Assn. (FVYSA) manager/coach include various responsibilities other than the on field management of a youth baseball or softball team. I am willing to conduct a team/parent meeting before beginning practices to discuss topics including but not limited to sportsmanship, expectations, league discipline and conduct policies and practice/game scheduling. I realize that my conduct should be exemplary in both citizenship and sportsmanship and I am aware of the FVYSA Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Coaches Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy, which all define the conduct expected from individuals associated with the league.   Further, I understand that  the team manager shall be responsible for their own personal conduct, the conduct of their assistants, players, and the conduct of their team parents and families .

As a FVYSA Manager/Coach, I agree to manage my team in a manner consistent with the applicable PONY Baseball or ASA Softball Rules and Regulations, the FVYSA Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and any special guidelines established by the FVYSA Board of Directors.  I also agree to abide by the Coaches Code of Conduct and understand that I am subject to the actions defined in the Disciplinary Policy should I violate it.  Should I fail to conduct my duties in a manner consistent with the applicable rules and regulations noted above, I am aware that I may be removed from my position as a team manager/coach by action of the Board of Directors.

As a condition of volunteering, I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability the French Valley Youth Sports Association (currently operating as French Valley Pony Baseball Association and French Valley Girls Softball Association), Pony Baseball Inc., American Softball Association of America, as well as the employees, volunteers, officials, sponsors and other representatives of all of these aforementioned organizations from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses and compensation arising out of or in any way related to any injury or other damage that may result to me while participating in any French Valley Youth Sports Association sponsored event, including any physical or other injury caused by the negligence of any such person while performing his/her duties at any time.

Terms and Conditions Acknowledgment *
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