Dial A Rose Registered Trademark

Dial-A-Rose Registered Trademark

LOVE SONGS BY Cerise in Concert

Birthday Parties, Weddings, Anniversaries, Events

Schedule Your Concert Today

For more information or to book a concert, please email us at CONTACT 5 STARS on this site.

Choose from the following playlist.

Listen to songs and or download at LOVE SONGS link on this site.

Tell us about the event:


Karaoke Dance Party

We put on a dance party with shakers, tamborines, percussion and other instruments for the children to play, sing and dance.

Give a basic description of the area, arena, resto, home, premises.

Love Songs by Gina Cerise

Vocalist singer songwriter Gina Cerise is in Concert for your special event.
For more information please CONTACT 5 STARS on this site.


COMING SOON:  Live Video Performances.  
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