INSTRUCTIONS:  Please submit one form for each arbitration advisory request.
All information submitted is regarded as public record.

The State Bar's Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct (COPRAC) is responsible for the drafting of arbitration advisories. The Committee exercises discretion on whether to issue arbitration advisories in response to requests.
We require the following information: (1) your name; (2) name of the local bar association fee arbitration program you are affiliated with (if any); (3) your contact information; (4) any supporting documents you may have, such as the copy of a particular case or arbitration award; and (5) a clear statement of hypothetical facts posing the issue for the Committee to analyze.

The process for issuance of an arbitration advisory is lengthy, requiring circulation of the proposed advisory for a 90-day public comment period, followed by the State Bar Board of Trustees consideration of a request to approve the advisory for publication on the State Bar’s website. These review periods follow a lengthy deliberative process, in which the committee proceeds to draft a well-reasoned advisory that is acceptable to a majority of the committee members, and helpful to the largest possible number of arbitrators. Please note not all requests will be pursued.

Your Information