2025 Annual Rural Health Conference & Rural Hospital Innovation Summit
Call for Concurrent Sessions

Annual Conference & Rural Hospital Innovation Summit
May 20-23, 2025
Atlanta, GA

Submission Deadline: Thursday, August 15, 2024

Please check all boxes below to confirm your acceptance of NRHA requirements: *

Proposed Session Information

Please complete the following submission form in order to be considered for an
educational session at NRHA's Annual Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit.

Presentations not submitted through this form will be disqualified.

If accepted, NRHA reserves the right to select which conference your submission will be presented at, but in order to help our review process, please indicate which event you would like your submission to be considered for: *
0/50 words
Learning Objectives:
Please list three and express them in behavioral terms:
Session Format: *

Primary Contact Information

The primary contact is not necessarily a speaker, but will be the person that NRHA coordinates with regarding speaking times and logistical information. 
Is the primary contact also a speaker? *
0/100 words

Speaker Information

Speaker #1:

0/100 words

Speaker #2

0/100 words

Speaker #3:

0/100 words

Speaker #4:

0/100 words

Submission Requirements, General Information and Terms of Agreement

1.  Incomplete submissions and/or late submissions will not be reviewed. 


2.  Presenters selected will be contacted by email in October.


3.  Presenters may not use any conference presentation to market products or services; exhibit space is available to NRHA services corporation partners for that purpose.


4.  If accepted, presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. As a small gesture of our appreciation for the labor in preparing your presentation, NRHA will offer a limited-time 50% discount on the speaker registration fee if received by the early registration deadline.

To receive the speaker discount, contracted speakers will be sent a special code from NRHA staff. This code is nontransferable. 

5.  No honoraria or travel expense reimbursement will be provided for any presenter submitting through the "Call for Presentations." It is the presenter's responsibility to make hotel arrangements. NRHA encourages presenters to do so by the NRHA early hotel reservation deadline to secure discount rates and best availability.

6.  If the conference is held primarily live, the speaker agrees to appear in person. If the conference is held primarily virtually, the speaker agrees to submit a recorded presentation via the NRHA-appointed virtual partner.

7.  Speaker Duties: In connection with the performance of work under this agreement, the speaker agrees not to discriminate against any person because of age, race, religion, gender, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.

The speaker, his/her/their officers, agents and employees (if applicable) in the performance of this agreement shall act in the capacity of an independent speaker and not as an officer, employee or agent of the National Rural Health Association. As such, the parties will each be responsible for their own acts and negligence as determined by law.

The National Rural Health Association agrees to hold harmless the speaker, and the speaker agrees to hold harmless the NRHA, their respective officers, agents and employees from any loss, claim, damage or liability of any kind arising out of or in connection with or occurring during the course of this agreement where such liability is founded upon or grows out of the acts or omissions of any of the officers, employees or agents of either party.

Speakers who intend to use PowerPoint presentations must adhere to the following:

  • The speaker agrees to provide NRHA an electronic version of their presentation for online attendee access, in either Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF version, by close of business May 16. NRHA is not responsible for any e-mails received after May 16.
  • Edits to submitted presentations may only be made after the conference. Edited presentations will be accepted only between May 16-30.
  • Concurrent session speakers must bring their presentations loaded on a personal laptop computer along with a back-up copy on a flash drive. Make sure your laptop has a VGA or HDMI output port. If your presentation includes an embedded video, be sure to include the files on your back-up flash drive copy. If your presentation includes an embedded video from an online source, we recommend downloading the video to your computer prior to the conference and following the directions above to ensure it is available during your presentation. NRHA does not furnish clickers for remote operation.
  • A computer will be provided for general session speakers, who also must bring a back-up flash drive copy. If your presentation includes an embedded video, be sure to send the video files to NRHA when you send your presentation and include the files on your back-up flash drive copy. If your presentation includes an embedded video from an online source, we recommend downloading the video to your computer prior to the conference and following the directions above to ensure it is available during your general session presentation.
  • Speakers are encouraged to bring printed handouts for their presentations. NRHA will not be responsible for any copies made.
  • If speakers bring books or materials to distribute, they must make provision for the collection and return shipping of any remaining books or materials. Anything left in the meeting room will be discarded.

The National Rural Health Association reserves the right to publish PowerPoint slides from any presentation that uses PowerPoint at the Annual Rural Health Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit.

Speakers are required to be at the place of performance 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of commencement.

9.  Sessions are 75 minutes in length, unless otherwise indicated.

10.  Wi-Fi may or may not be available in concurrent session rooms. 
11.  Publicity Clearance, Permission to Print, Disclosure of Financial Relationships and Authorizations.

Type of consent: Speakers authorize NRHA and/or any organization cleared and approved by the National Rural Health Association to take and use names, interviews, quotations, stories, photographs, video recordings and voice recordings in any way deemed as appropriate by NRHA.

Purpose of consent: Speakers surrender and waive all claims against NRHA and against any such cleared and approved purposes including publications, internet, electronic and social media, television, newspapers, radio, lectures and display boards.

Speakers grant permission royalty free to the NRHA to reproduce for sale, separately or as a part of a booklet or CD, edited, or verbatim, the presentation delivered by speakers no later than May 16, 2025.

Speakers understand that if NRHA decides to publish manuscripts, the speaker will be responsible for obtaining permission to use excerpts from other published material quoted in the manuscript.

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) requires the following disclosures for all NRHA Continuing Medical Education activities:

The existence of any significant financial interest or other relationship a speaker has with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or providers of commercial services discussed in this educational presentation shall be disclosed in brief statements or in conference materials such as brochures, syllabi, exhibits, poster sessions, and in post meeting publications. 

Disclosure when an unlabeled use of a commercial product, or an investigational use not yet approved for any purpose, is discussed during an educational activity. Failure to disclose or false disclosure by the speaker may require the NRHA to identify a replacement for participation.

The media authorization will remain in effect in perpetuity. News stories may be rebroadcast or reprinted by other media outlets. All rights, interest or claims for payment in connection with any exhibition or release of this information will be waived. Your submission of an abstract indicates your understanding of all information included on this form and constitutes release of National Rural Health Association and its employees from any and all liability connected with use or disclosure of this information. This agreement will be construed according to the laws of the state of Kansas. This speaker agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This agreement may be modified or amended only in writing signed by the parties hereto. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns.

Speakers agree to comply with National Rural Health Association’s policy on products or services, printing, publicity, presentation submissions and full disclosure for the Annual Rural Health Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit.