The Erika Birosak Training and Certification Scholarship is available to public*** and private sector nominees in which their respective organizations are members of ITS Florida.  The scholarship assists those seeking to advance their skill set through additional training and certification courses, to better serve their organizations and the ITS industry in Florida.  This scholarship amount is up to $1,000 reimbursement for successfully completing approved coursework within one year.


***Please check your organization's policy regarding scholarship acceptance.

Student Information


If Scholarship is awarded, a W9 will need to be completed.
Technical Ability:  (25 points**)

Project Experience:  (25 points**)

Certification Class Requested: (25 points**)

** Point value shown is maximum points available for each category.
Nominator's Signature *

Submittal Instructions:

Complete this form with all attachments submitted no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time April 27, 2024.
If scholarship is awarded, a W9 will need to be completed.
If you have questions, please contact ITS Florida at
*Indicates Required areas
** Point value shown is the maximum points available per category