Student Information

The ITS Florida Anne Brewer Academic Scholarships are available to two groups:
 * full time undergraduate or Masters' student and
 * graduate (PhD) students
Students from any accredited Florida University or College are eligible.  Principal course work shall include a major in a field directly related to transportation, ITS systems, transportation engineering, or a related field subject to the approval of the Awards Committee. The scholarship amounts are to be determined.  (The number of scholarship awards and amount of those awards may fluctuate depending on available funding.)
Students that are gradulating before September 2024 are not eligible for this scholarship.
Personal Information:  (5 points**)

If Scholarship is awarded, a W9 will need to be completed.

Academic Records

Educational Background:  (5 points**)
Grade Point Average in Current Degree pursuit:  (5 points**)

Scoring chart


Minimum GPA of 3.0 and transcript required










3.51 – 3.99


3 – 3.5


**Failure to Submit GPA without Transcript will result in 0 Points.

Professional Affiliations: (5 points** for Participating in at least 1 Technical Student Group)

Industry Experience: (5 points**)

Recommendation: (5 points**)

ITS Project: (20 points**)

Document Quality: (10 Points) Scoring Chart: (up to a maximum of 2 points for each category below)
Organization (Table of Contents, Lay-out of document, etc.)
Use of Graphs and Charts
Spelling and Grammar
Technical Content

Submittal Instructions:

Complete this form with all attachments submitted no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time April 27, 2024.
If scholarship is awarded, a W9 will need to be completed.
If you have questions, please contact ITS Florida at
*Indicates Required areas
** Point value shown is the maximum points available per category