2022 Annual Meeting
February 25-March 1
New York City, NY.

SUGGESTED DEADLINE: December 15, 2021
  • ALL trips will depart from the host hotels, location to be determined.
  • Be specific in describing the route of the trip--this will be used in determining the cost of transportation and will also be a reference for AAG Conference Management.
  • Include information regarding special attire or gear requirements (raingear, hiking boots, drinking water, etc.) and any strenuous physical activities.
  • If lunch at a restaurant will be part of the trip, include the name, address, phone number, and contact person of the establishment along with the per-person cost.
  • Include as many expenses as possible in the basic fee. Trip descriptions should be specific about what is and is not covered in the fee. Final costs will be determined by AAG Conference Management and communicated to the organizer before publishing the trip.
  • The trip will be budgeted to cover expenses for up to three leaders/organizers. Additional leaders must pay for meals, lodging, transportation, etc. The AAG will not reimburse for travel expenses related to meeting attendance, nor the meeting registration fee. Travel and per diem for field trip organizers are not allowable expenses. AAG will only reimburse for expenses directly related to the field trip and during the trip dates.
  • Organizers are responsible for making all arrangements and providing registrants with all materials needed on the field trip.
  • In order to obtain firm bids on costs, organizers should make all initial contacts with restaurants, passenger vessels, etc. (with the exception of bus and driver - the AAG will contract bus transportation when required).
  • Reimbursement requests must be made in writing to the AAG office and received no later than 30 days after the field trip or site visit is completed. Original receipts for all expenditures are required for reimbursement.
  • AAG is unable to reimburse for expenses not submitted in advance on the budget worksheet.
  • The AAG office will coordinate field trip registration and fee collection. Names and addresses of trip registrants will be available one month before the conference. Please note that if your field trip is not filled at that time, on-site registrants may be added.
  • Please keep in mind that cost-effective trips tend to be the most popular, and low attendance may lead to cancellation.
  • All contracts must be signed by the AAG.

NOTE: In keeping with the AAG's effort to promote the fair and equal treatment of members, field trips organized by AAG members or specialty groups at the Annual Meeting will, as a rule, be open to all members. In instances where a member or specialty group wishes to organize a field trip that explicitly excludes any group of AAG members, the organizer will petition the AAG Council for an exception to this policy by the date when field trip proposals are due. If Council grants the exception, notice will be given in the AAG Newsletter, along with an explanation of the reason for the exception. Please keep this rule of open access in mind as you organize your field trip.


Field Trip Sponsor *
Will the sponsor be paying for the entire trip? *

Please indicate if there is a certain time your field trip cannot take place due to other AAG engagements.

Please choose the maximum number of participants desired from the following options (based on the capacity of different types of transportation available). 

Walking tours can be any capacity you choose.
Number of leaders: *

Trip Capacity:

Note this should NOT include leaders of the trip.

What kind of transportation will this field trip require? *
Please list all sites (including addresses) you expect to visit:

Is your field trip ADA accessible? *

NOTE: The AAG reserves the right to cancel a field trip if the field trip would result in a substantial financial loss to the AAG.


0/255 characters
Will the organizer be involved with sessions? *

Optional Additional Organizer:
0/255 characters
Will the organizer be involved with sessions?

If different from Organizers
0/255 characters
Will the leader be involved with sessions?

0/255 characters
Will the leader be involved with sessions?


If meals are included in trip cost, please complete the following for each meal that is included.
Meal Type: 
Is a deposit required in advance by the restaurant? *
Payee contact information (where deposit should be sent):

Will your trip include an additional meal? *

Meal Type: 
Is a deposit required in advance by the restaurant? *
Payee contact information (where deposit should be sent):


Please be as thorough as possible. 
AAG is unable to reimburse for expenses not estimated and submitted in advance.
Please indicate all items that you will be providing to attendees (select ALL that apply):
Does your trip involve any admission fees? *
Is there a cost associated with this your guides/handouts? *

Bus Transportation and Bus Driver Gratuity Costs - to be determined by AAG.
Are there tolls or parking fees associated with your trip? *
Will you have a speaker honorarium? *
Will you need tour guide gratuities? *
Will your field trip incur any dry run expenses? If so, please state the amount. *

AAG will determine all expenses, budgets and fees and will communicate the field trip cost to organizer for approval.
Contact Cendy Chou @ 703-964-1240, ext. 120