AACP Virtual Pharmacy School Fair Workshop Submission

Thank you for submitting a workshop for AACP's annual Virtual Pharmacy School Fair. New this year, we will feature workshops in which schools are invited to present topics that resonate with prospective students. We have identified 3 themes (listed below) based on the frequently asked questions we have received from prospective students. These workshops aim to engage students by addressing topics they care about and providing valuable insights into the field of pharmacy.


  • Each workshop is alotted 30 minutes - 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A
  • Consider co-presenting with a current student pharmacist to provide the student perspective
Please note:
  • Schools must register as exhibitors in order to present at the Virtual Fair. However, schools are not required to present in order to exhibit.
  • Submitting a workshop does not guarantee selection. Presenters of accepted workshops will be notified via email.
  • Deadline to submit a workshop is July 17th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Danielle Stubbs at dstubbs@aacp.org.

Presenter Information

Workshop Description and Theme

Workshop sessions are intended to provide attendees with knowledge and skills for navigating the pharmacy admission process and preparing for entering a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program. Workshops should not focus on promoting a specific college or school, although branded slides are allowed.

Workshop presenters must register their school or college to exhibit at the Virtual Pharmacy School Fair.

Select the theme(s) to which your workshop belongs. *
Select the times at which you would be available to present (EST). *
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