2024 Scholarship Reviewer Form

AACP is seeking staff, faculty, and administrators from member institutions to serve as reviewers for the following 2024 scholarship program:
Walmart Health Equity Scholarship for Pharmacy Students 
Your valuable time and contributions to our scholarship programs would be greatly appreciated. Below are important dates for interested individuals:
Walmart Health Equity Scholarship
  • July 29: Deadline for students to submit the scholarship application
  • Aug 3: Reviewers will receive a set of applications (up to 10) to review
  • Aug 30: Deadline for all completed reviews
  • Sept 23: AACP notifies scholarship recipients and alternates
Reviewers are not required to be AACP members and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please contact Danielle Stubbs, Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Diversity, at dstubbs@aacp.org, if you have any questions.
Thank you for considering this opportunity!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • A rubric will be provided to make rating applicants efficient and easy.
  • Reviewers will see only the most pertinent information, including:
    • Applicant Name
    • Applicant Essays
    • Applicant Resume
    • Activities and Leadership Descriptions
    • Recommendation Letters
    • Demographics information, etc. will not be visible to reviewers
  • Applications are assigned to reviewers at random.
  • Reviewers will have the option to abstain from an assigned review if there is a conflict of interest (ex.: if they know the applicant or wrote a letter of recommendation for them).
  • Respondents interested in serving as a reviewer for the Walmart scholarship will automatically be assigned applicants to review on Aug 3rd.
    • If you are no longer able to serve as a reviewer after filling out the form, please contact Danielle Stubbs at dstubbs@aacp.org before applications are assigned on Aug 3rd.
    • Please reach out to Danielle Stubbs at dstubbs@aacp.org if you have any additional questions

To serve as a reviewer, please fill out your contact information below.

If needed, would you be willing to review more than 10 applications per scholarship? *
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