Scholarship Reviewer Volunteer Form

AACP is seeking staff, faculty, and administrators from member institutions to serve as reviewers for the following scholarship programs:
Walmart Health Equity Scholarship for Pharmacy Students 
CVS Health Minority Scholarship for Pharmacy Students
Your valuable time and contributions to our scholarship programs would be greatly appreciated. Below are important dates for interested individuals:
Walmart Health Equity Scholarship
* Jun 1: Deadline to volunteer as a reviewer via this form 
* Jun 1: Deadline for student scholarship applications 
* Jun 13: Reviewers will receive a set of applications (up to 10) to review 
* Aug 8: Deadline for completed reviews 
* Sep 15: AACP notifies scholarship recipients and alternates
CVS Health Minority Scholarship
* Jun 1: Deadline to volunteer as a reviewer via this form 
* Jul 1: Deadline for student scholarship applications 
* Jul 11: Reviewers will receive a set of applications (up to 10) to review 
* Aug 22: Deadline for completed reviews 
* Sep 15: AACP notifies scholarship recipients and alternates
Reviewers are not required to be AACP members and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please contact Taylor Jaczko at if you have any questions.
Thank you for considering this volunteer opportunity!
Which program would you like to serve as a reviewer for? Please note that you can complete reviews for both. *
Would you be willing to review more than 10 applications, if needed? *
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