HOSA State Advisor Partnership Directory

HOSA- Future Health Professionals is updating its HOSA State Advisor Partnership Directory
that will provide the contact information of health professionals and educators who are interested in volunteering as HOSA partners for various student events organized by the HOSA State Advisors. The HOSA State Advisors will use this contact information to recruit competition judges, workshop presenters, and exhibitors who are willing to meet with students who attend HOSA events.
If you are interested in being listed in the HOSA State Advisor Partnership Directory, please complete this form by Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
If you have questions about the notebook or HOSA partner opportunities, please contact Bobby Crandall from the HOSA team at bobby.crandall@hosa.org. Thank you!

* Indicates response required
Previous HOSA Involvement. Check all that apply. Prior HOSA involvement is not a requirement and is being collected for informational purposes only.  *

Please click Submit when finished