This will be an overnight trip. We will leave early in the AM 4/11/25 and take a tour of the farm and ag areas in the afternoon. We will stay the night and return to the Davis campus for a general tour and experience part of Picnic Day on 4/12/25, returning in the afternoon and arriving back at LCC in the evening.
Animal Science and Agriculture major students will get dibs on slots. Limited numbers will be able to stay in the hotel, travel in the school van, and receive partial meal stipends. Once those slots are full, additional students will be welcome to meet us there in their own vehicle, for a max group of 15 total students on the tour. Parents & guardians are welcome to come as well. You still need to complete the sign up below, even if you are driving yourself, if you want to be included in our tour group.
For questions please call Cheyenne in the Career & Transfer Center at (530)251-8842.