2023 Nebraska Corn Survey

In order to better serve Nebraska corn producers, please take a moment to answer the following questions. This survey is broken down into issues that are Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA) focused, with additional questions specific to your investment in the Nebraska corn checkoff (Nebraska Corn Board/NCB). We appreciate your time in advance.  
Please rank the state policy issues that should be the focus of NeCGA. (Rank all options, with 1 being the highest priority. If you have no "other" items to share, please rank as 8.) *
Please rank the federal policy issues that should be the focus of NeCGA. (Rank all options, with 1 being the highest priority. If you have no "other" items to share, please rank as 5.) *
Rank the following that provides the most value to you as a NeCGA Member? (Rank all options, with 1 being the highest priority. If you have no "other" items to share, please rank as 6.) *
What are the top 5 challenges corn farmers may face in the next five years? (Rank with 1 being the highest priority) *
Where do you see the greatest opportunity for demand or revenue growth for corn farmers in the next five years? (Rank all options with 1 being the highest priority. If you have no "other" items to share, please rank as 6.) *
What do you consider to be the top five priorities of the corn checkoff (NCB)? (Rank with 1 being the highest priority) *
For several years, the corn checkoff has provided infrastructure grants to fuel retailers in an effort to offer mid and higher blends of ethanol. Please rank where your checkoff should prioritize ethanol infrastructure investment. (Rank all options, with 1 being the highest priority. If you have no "other" items, please rank as 5.) *
The Nebraska Corn Board has expanded communication efforts with different segments of the population. Please rank the sectors you feel should be the target audience regarding communication from Nebraska Corn based on importance with 1 being the highest. If you have have no "other" options to share, please rank as 7. *
Select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statement: The checkoff returns greater than the ½ cent per bushel investment that you make when factoring in programs and partnership at the local, state, national and international level. *
What information would you like to see relayed from Nebraska Corn to corn farmers? *
What benefits/perks do you find valuable as a part of your NeCGA membership? *
Would you be willing to or have an interest to: (check all those that apply) *
If you answered "yes" to the question above, please provide all of the following information and your name will be entered into a drawing for a Nebraska Corn branded prize.
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