GuideStar's One Question Impact Survey!
GuideStar makes nonprofit information widely available both on our website and through our various products.
What we don't know is how YOU use our information to help achieve success. We strongly believe that the stories behind your good work are as important to the social sector's advancement as the numbers on the IRS form. 
Please help us understand your impact using GuideStar information by completing this simple survey.
It is as easy as creating a sentence from the options below.
For example, "Last year GuideStar helped my organization save 1,000 acres of trees in the US."
Last year, GuideStar helped my organization...
If you selected "Other" above, please provide more detail below...
I'd like some additional examples on how to do this survey.

Here are some additional examples:

Last year, GuideStar helped me or my organization:

Action            Number         Units               to/of       Recipients            in         Place

solicit              300,000         dollars              of            donations              in         the US.

sell                 2,000,000       dollars              of            goods/services      in         the world.

deliver            25,000           meals                to            disadvantaged      in         my city.

save               100,000          lives                 of            patients                in         the US.

prevent           5                   diseases            in            unemployed          in         my city.

I'd like to provide more sentences.
If you selected "Other" above, please provide more detail below...
If you selected "Other" above, please provide more detail below...
General Information: 
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