International Society of Fire Service Instructors

Live Fire Burns

May 15-17, 19-21, 2014 (Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday)

* No Burns on Sunday the 18th

Spartanburg, SC


Thank you for your willingess to join our team of thinking firefighters!  We look forward to seeing you in Spartanburg, SC on the dates that you select below. Please complete the registration form and select the dates you plan to attend, along with letting us know if you wish to purchase a lunch (payable on-site on the dates that you indicate). If you need hotel accommodations, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Spartanburg Marriott at the rate of $114 per night. You are responsible for making your reservation and paying for the room. Our room block is "Spartanburg Burns" and the deadline for this rate is April 10, 2014. Please contact the Marriott directly at 864-596-1211. Make sure you tell them you are with the group "Spartanburg Burns" to get the $114 rate.  If you have any problems, please contact our project coordinator Vickie Pritchett at 615-533-0305.  Important note:  Our room block decreases for Friday and Saturday night the 16th and 17th due to area college graduations. Book early to ensure you have one those nights!

Attendee Information

Type of Department (if applicable)
Type of Firefighter (if applicable)
Please select the dates that you plan to attend below. Please note, if a day is cancelled due to weather, our reschedule plans will be posted via twitter and Facebook.
Please select the dates that you would like lunch provided to you on-site for $10 per lunch (payable on-site when you sign in at registration tent on day of burn)
Thank you for your registration, please click submit and a confirmation receipt should be displayed. If you have questions, feel free to call Vickie Pritchett at 615-533-0305. Again, thanks for your willingness to participate!  See you soon!  Don't forget to follow us on Twitter at @SpartanburgBurn and on Facebook at -- we look forward to the research and time together in May.  Please note that as an attendee, you will be in observation mode of the actual fire dynamics research. Video and audio feeds will be available, with fire suppression crews handled by the South Carolina Fire Academy, Spartanburg Fire Department, and other area departments.