James E.Smith, ESQ.

Name, address, phone number and e-mail of person(s) filing bankruptcy.
How you lived more than 6months in Nevada?
Whether you have been divorced in the last 3 years
Is there a need to file the bankruptcy as soon as possible?
How many adults and children live in your household?
How much have you earned or had as income in the last 6 months.
Do you want to file Chapter 7 or 13 or don't know.
Why do you want to file bankruptcy?
Have you filed in the last 8 years.
Have you filed your tax returns the last 4 years.
Do you have copies of tax returns for 4 years?
Can you provide a copy of your bills?
Can you provide 6 months of bank statements?
Can you provide 6 months of earnings or income?
Have you taken bankruptcy counseling?
Are you upside down on your home?
Do you have student loans?
Do you have lawsuits or judgments against you?
Are you behind on your car payments?
When you have last used your credit cards?
When you have last taken a loan out?
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